Before choosing your outdoor shower or tap?
Udendørsbruser, udebruser eller bruser udendørs?
Why choose an outdoor shower?
En udebruser giver en unik sanseoplevelse, hvor du kan nyde et varmt bad i naturen eller et opkvikkende skyl på en varm sommerdag. Derudover er en udendørsbruser praktisk efter aktiviteter som svømning eller sport, da du kan skylle sand og snavs af dig, før du går indenfor. Med Frostline får du en frostsikker og selvtømmende udendørs bruser, der kombinerer funktionalitet og æstetik for at skabe en varig og praktisk løsning.
Which outdoor shower should you choose?
Når du skal vælge en udendørsbruser, er det en god idé at vælge en selvtømmende udebruser. Det skyldes, at der både kan ske frostsprængninger med ikke-selvtømmende bruser udendørs, og der kan forekomme bakterievækst inde i armaturet. Derfor anbefaler vi, at du vælger et frostsikkert udendørsbruser. Der findes el-baserede modeller til større installationer, der holder din udebruser frostfri ved brug af strøm. Alternativt kan du vælge en Frostline udendørsbruser, der med vores mekaniske, selvtømmende funktion forbliver frostfri år efter år – uden brug af elektricitet.
What is important when choosing an outdoor shower?
Ud over at det er en god idé at vælge en selvtømmende udendørsbruser, kan det også være praktisk at vælge en udebruser med en passende vandmængde. Hvis du skal have et udendørsbad, anbefaler vi minimum 18 liter pr. minut, da dette sikrer en langt mere tilfredsstillende badeoplevelse. Særligt hvis du skal vaske dit hår med sæbe, kan en udendørs bruser med en mindre vandmængde være frustrerende, da det kan tage lang tid at skylle håret ordentligt igennem.
Can I use a regular shower outdoors?
Det frarådes at bruge en almindelig bruser udendørs, da den ikke er designet til det nordiske klima og frostsprænginger kan forekomme. Derudover kan bakterier dannes i vandet, hvis det stagnerer. En udendørsbruser med selvtømmende funktion, som dem Frostline tilbyder, er specifikt udviklet til at modstå frost og bakterier og sikrer derfor lang holdbarhed og en hygiejnisk løsning.
Why is it important that the shower is self-emptying?
En selvtømmende udendørsbruser beskytter mod frostsprængninger og bakterievækst, hvilket giver et mere holdbart og hygiejnisk udebad. Skader fra frost er ofte ikke dækket af garantien, hos andre brands hvilket kan føre til dyre reparationer år efter år. Med en selvtømmende udendørsbruser, som vi hos Frostline leverer, reduceres disse risici, og du får et mere langtidsholdbart udebad, der samtidig kræver minimal vedligeholdelse.
How does an outdoor shower work?
En udendørsbruser tilsluttes til din vandforsyning og kan opvarmes, hvis du ønsker det. Nogle udendørsbrusere, som dem fra Frostline, er udstyret med en selvtømmende funktion, som automatisk dræner din udebruser for vand efter brug. Dette forhindrer frostsprængninger og bakteriedannelse og sikrer, at udendørsbruseren altid er klar til brug, uanset vejret.
Why does my outdoor pool need to be self-emptying?
En selvtømmende funktion i din udendørs bruser sikrer, at din bruser udendørs tømmes for vand efter hver brug, hvilket beskytter mod frostsprængninger og bakterievækst. Det gør en udendørsbruser fra Frostline velegnede til helårsbrug, da de forbliver funktionelle og hygiejniske – også i de kolde vintermåneder.
What does an outdoor shower cost?
Prisen på en udendørsbruser afhænger af kvalitet og funktioner. Budgetmodeller kan fås for under 5.000 kr., men de kan være udsatte for frostsprængninger og have en kortere levetid. En udendørsbruser med frostsikring og selvtømmende funktion, som dem Frostline tilbyder, kan koste lidt mere, men de er en investering, der holder længere og kræver mindre vedligeholdelse.
Eqi Water?
I januar 2023 fusionerede Frostline og EQI og blev samlet under Frostline-brandet. En udendørsbruser eller posteventil fra Frostline indgår nu i DUO-serien, mens EQI- udendørsbruserne og vandpostene får deres egen serie; EQI serien. Sammenlægningen har desuden medført, at vi nu tilbyder en PRO-serie af produkter med en særligt stor vandmængde eller produkter, der er mere velegnede til industriel eller professionel brug.
Havebruser, solbruser eller udendørsbruser
Er du i markedet for en havebruser, så kan det være forvirrende, men hos Frostline specialiserer vi os i frostfri og selvtømmende løsninger – og tilbyder derfor ikke solbrusere. Vi anbefaler en selvtømmende udendørsbruser, da den forhindrer, at vand står stille i systemet. Dette reducerer risikoen for bakterievækst og frostsprængninger, hvilket gør vores en Frostline udebruser ideelle til brug året rundt i det nordiske klima.
En Frostline udendørs bruser er designet med fokus på holdbarhed, funktionalitet og æstetik. Med Frostline får du en praktisk og elegant havebruser, der kræver minimal vedligeholdelse og sikrer dig en løsning, der holder i mange år.
New post valve, outdoor tap or hydrant?
What is a post valve?
A post valve is basically what you call an outdoor tap. Post valves are available in frost-proof versions that drain the water from the pipe after use, preventing it from freezing when the temperature drops and avoiding bacterial growth in stagnant water. Frostline post valves are equipped with a self-emptying function that automatically empties the pipe and protects against frost cracking, making them ideal for outdoor installation in cold climates.
What is a frost-proof tap?
A frost-proof faucet is a faucet that is designed to withstand frost without damage. It is typically equipped with a mechanism that drains the water from the pipe so there is no water left to freeze and expand. Frostline frost-proof taps are designed for the Nordic climate and ensure that you can safely use the tap outdoors, even in winter.
Which tap to choose?
The choice of faucet depends on your needs and environment. For outdoor use, a frost-proof model that can withstand low temperatures and prevent frost damage is recommended. Frostline offers taps and post valves with a self-emptying function that empties the pipe after each use and protects against damage, making them a durable and reliable solution for outdoor installations.
Why choose a frost-proof post valve?
A frost-proof post valve protects your outdoor water installation from frost damage by automatically draining the water from the pipe after each use. This reduces the risk of frost cracks, which can lead to expensive repairs. Frostline's frost-proof post valves are specially developed to withstand the cold Nordic climate and ensure a trouble-free and safe solution for outdoor use.
What does hydrant mean
A hydrant is a free-standing water tap where tap water can be tapped for both drinking and gardening purposes. Hydrants can be located in public places such as parks or cemeteries, but you can also install a hydrant in your garden if you want easy access to water.
Which hydrant to choose?
When choosing a hydrant, it's important that you choose one that is approved for drinking water so you can safely drink from the tap or fill your water bottle. It is also recommended to choose a frost-proof model that can withstand low temperatures and prevent both frost damage and bacterial growth. Frostline offers hydrants and tap valves with a self-emptying function that empties the pipe after each use and protects against damage, making them a durable and reliable solution for outdoor installations.
Why is water not coming out of my outdoor tap?
If water is not coming out of your outdoor tap, it could be due to limescale deposits that can block the water supply or frost cracking if the tap is not frost-protected. In cold climates, water left in the pipes can freeze and expand, which can cause serious damage to both the pipes and the tap. Therefore, it is recommended to choose an outdoor frost-proof tap with a self-emptying function that automatically empties the pipe of water after each use. This prevents the water from freezing and creating frost cracks while minimising the risk of limescale deposits.
What does it cost to get an outdoor tap?
The price of an outdoor tap depends on quality and features. Budget models can be had for less than $500, but they can be more prone to frost cracking and have a shorter lifespan. Outdoor taps with frost protection and self-draining features, such as those offered by Frostline, may cost a little more, but they are a durable investment that requires less maintenance and ensures the tap can withstand cold temperatures all year round.
Technical questions
Væghængt udebruser eller posteventil?
In the EQI, DUO, and PRO series
When purchasing a wall mounted outdoor tap or shower from Frostline
Før at din nye udendørs bruser, vandpost eller posteventil tilsluttes er det meget vigtigt at vandledningen skylles igennem minimum 2-3 minutter så det sikres at alle urenheder er skyllet ud, da de ellers vil sætte fast i ventilen og forårsage at produktet ikke kan lukke ordentligt og dermed skabe vandspild og mulige frostskader på produktet og omgivelserne.
Hvis håndtaget med tiden begynder at være stramt, skyldes det slidte O-ringe, eller at din posteventil eller udebruser trænger til at blive smurt op med frisk vandhanefedt. For vejledning se under det pågælgende produkt her på hjemmesiden eller i den medfølgende vejledning. DUO serien er med keramisk indmad og EQI serierne er med gummipakninger. PRO serien afhænger af den specifikke variant. Kontakt os gerne i tvivlstilfælde.
Nej, det kan føre til frostsprængning. Din posteventil eller vandpost er frostfri ved, at produktet er selvtømmende. Hvis der er en fastmonteret slange eller andre tilkoblinger på produktet, forhindrer det selvtømning og kan lede til en mulig frostskade. Det er derfor vigtigt, at slange og tilkoblinger af en hver art afmonteres, når temperaturen kommer under frysepunktet.
Det gælder også vores udvalg af slanger og lynkoblinger.
Your dream starts here.
Outdoor shower, tap valve or hydrant? To ensure that your new outdoor shower or outdoor tap lives up to its full potential and lasts for many years, we at Frostline recommend using a specialist for installation. That's why we've partnered with experienced installers and dealers who can help you. If you fall in love with an outdoor shower or tap, you can find the plumbing number in our price lists and contact one of our skilled dealers.
Fritstående udendørsbruser eller posteventil?
In the EQI, DUO, and PRO series
When purchasing a free-standing outdoor tap or shower from Frostline
Hvad skal man være opmærksom på før tilslutningen af din udebruser eller posteventil?
Før at din nye udendørs bruser eller posteventil tilsluttes er det meget vigtigt at vandledningen skylles igennem minimum 2-3 minutter så det sikres at alle urenheder er skyllet ud, da de ellers vil sætte fast i ventilen og forårsage at produktet ikke kan lukke ordentligt og dermed skabe vandspild og mulige frostskader på produktet og omgivelserne.
The handle runs tightly. Why?
If operating the product becomes difficult, it could caused by worn out parts in the valve or the faucet needing to be lubricated with fresh faucet grease. Should the valve be exposed to frost in the water supply or water cannot leave the product as intended it could also be caused by a damage inside the valve system. For guidance, we refer to the specific product section on our website or to the user manual.
Does it matter where you place the product?
Yes, the frost-free function is based on a self-emptying valve that drains the residual water into the well after use. It's therefore crucial for a correct function that you only place the product in a place where the well remains dry and can drain the residual water. Rising water of any kind can cause dirt to enter the valve and malfunction.
See separate section on DRAIN. At the same time, it is very important that the top edge of the well is level with the finished surface and not raised.
Må man kunne dreje hele postventilen eller udendørsbruseren, uden brønden følger med i jorden?
No, you can't move the 2 things apart, as it can lead to malfunction due to, for example, a broken frost plug.
Can stainless steel rust?
Frostline er produceret af rustfrit stål i en rigtig god kvalitet, men stadig kan partikler sætte sig fast udenpå produktet og danne noget, som ligner rust – såkaldt flyverrust. For at modvirke det, anbefaler vi, at produktet umiddelbart efter montering indsmøres med den medfølgende syrefrie olie. Efterfølgende gentages denne behandling 2-3 gange årligt. Er produktet placeret i særligt udsatte områder, som for eksempel ved kyststrækninger med meget vind- fugt- og saltpåvirkning, anbefaler vi, at indsmøringen med syrefri olie udføres oftere.
Can a water hose or other connections be fitted all year round?
No, it can lead to frostbite. The product is frost-free in that it is self-emptying. If there is a fixed hose or other connections on the product all year round, it prevents self-emptying and can lead to possible frost damage. It's therefore important that the hose and connections of each species are removed when the temperature falls to the freezing point.
When you buy a Drinking system at Frostline
May one loosen the bolt at the top of the drinking machine?
No, it is important not to loosen the bolt, as this will cause an incorrect adjustment of the wire. Also, do not turn the drinking cup at the top in another position as it will interfere with the function of the drinking system.
Does it matter where you place the product?
Yes, the frost-free function is based on a self-emptying valve that drains the residual water into the well after use. It's therefore crucial for a correct function that you only place the product in a place where the well remains dry and can drain the residual water. Rising water of any kind can cause dirt to enter the valve and malfunction.
See separate section on DRAIN. At the same time, it is very important that the top edge of the well is level with the finished surface and not raised.
May the brass valve come into contact with the soil or sand during installation?
No, it's important that the brass valve avoids being in contact with the ground, sand or any dirt during installation, as this can cause the valve and product to not work properly. We recommend that the lower part of the product where the brass valve is mounted, during service and installation, is placed on a surface that does NOT come in direct contact with soil or sand.
Establishment of drainage can be crucial
It is essential for Frostline's frost-proof system and product warranty that the well is ALWAYS DRY. To secure this we recommend establishing a drainage for any freestanding products. This can be achieved by digging a hole approximately 1.2 meters deep and filling it with 30-40 centimetres of gravel before situating the product on top of this. Another option is to establish drainage from the well using a minimum of 2 meters of drainpipe positioned so the water connection runs inside it. The drainpipe should be situated so that it goes into the bottom of the well, and there should be put gravel around it before covering the trench again. In the case that the ground for example is clay soil and not self-draining at all, it may also be necessary to establish a soakaway or connect the well directly to the sewer system. If in doubt, pour a bucket of water into the well hole. If the water disappears within 1 minute, a soakaway or direct connection to the sewer is not necessary.
Rust-like staining/Surface corrosion
All of Frostline’s products are made from stainless steel. Glass peened stainless steel needs maintenance to avoid rust-like staining. Though steel is designated ”stainless” some small spots of material might land on the steel and start a surface corrosion.
Therefore, it is important regularly to clean the surface and at least 4 times a year to treat the product with acid-free oil. This process is also described in the installation guide under “maintenance”. The installation guide was enclosed, when the product was delivered. If you already experience surface corrosion, you can treat this with the abrasive polishing compound Autosol. Autosol can be bought in most DIY-shops. Remember to apply acid-free oil after the treatment.
Read our maintenance guide.
Frostline showroom
Do you want to experience Frostline's outdoor shower in a streamlined design, feel the elegant surfaces of a Frostline tap valve and sense the handmade quality? Or maybe you are interested in seeing a sculptural hydrant? Visit our showroom in the heart of Aarhus C, where we are ready to help you create the perfect outdoor shower or find the right tap and hydrant for your home or project. We will guide you to solutions that not only fulfil your needs, but also enhance the architectural qualities of your surroundings. We look forward to welcoming you.
Outdoor shower, outdoor shower, outdoor shower, outdoor shower, outdoor shower - it goes by many names, and the selection of outdoor showers is vast. Whatever you call it, we are ready to help you find a frost-free solution - even if you are looking for a hydrant or tap valve.